Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Boonville camp invasion

The plan is to invade Dale's Boonville camp during the weekend of July 10th while no one is suspecting that 4 badass comandos from the bay area will take over the main shack and steal one of Dale's shoes.

We will start at our base in Hayward airport, California where we will load all the gear into out beutiful 2004 DA-40 and make sure we have enough fuel.
Once you cross the 122 degree longitude, fuel is hard to come by in those remote parts of northern Californbia. The trip is quick 1.2 hour flight at 75% thurst while enjoying the G1000 XM satellite subscription at cruising altidude.

The plan is to arrive at Boonvile airfield before noon, so that we can cross the forest and approach the camp by 2pm. The airfield is situated near some highway but we are going straigh through the forest baby:

Once on the ground we leave the DA-40 at transient and hit the hills. We have 2.3 miles hike to the camp and we need to approach it completely undetected.

Comandos Boyan and Hamish will fly the air strike mission and Zacks and Mr.T will take us through the Mendocino hills and run the logistics around obtaining Dale's shoes and sneaking out undetected.

Then it's back to the bay area awaiting the red carpet!


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